Happy Mothers day to all of our Mothers out there.  I dedicate this post to my mom who I am unable to spend the day with.

I love my mother and I also love my mother in law.  Both are amazing women, each in their own way.

I feel that a child does not have to grow inside you for you to love it!!  I say that because I am adopted.  I have 2 siblings that were not, and I was treated and punished as fairly as they were.  In my parents eyes I was just another Jansen.  My grandparents treated me the same as well.    I felt loved and secure.  All children want and need that love and security.

So just who is mom?  In today’s world of blended families mom can mean many things…..  All children need nurturing.  So who hugs you when you fall and cut your knee…  is it mom,auntie, step mom or grandma  or a foster mom.

My definition of a mom is the woman or person who is doing the “job” of mom.   If a grandparent, step parent, aunt, godmother, mother in law or foster mother is nurturing you then the title of MOM fits…

Ann Landers had a quote that my mother cut out of the newspaper one day and I kept it on my bulletin board..  ” not flesh of my flesh nor bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own!  You did not grow under my heart but in it!!”

So on this day that our nation has set aside to honor our mothers, remember that just to be biologically related does not make a mother.  Its the woman who is doing the job that counts!!

Mom, You know who you are, you are my hero..  I love you and miss you today and every day!!

And to my sister and sister in laws and Mother in Law who love my children as there own.  Happy Mothers day to you as well, If I were not here to do the job I know that you would be there for my kids.  They love you very much.  Tinkerbell!!

Leave your opinion or tribute about the woman who most influenced you.  She is a mom!!

Last Sunday evening as I was leaving work I heard that Bin Laden was located and  killed in Pakistan.  I was cheerful that he had finally met his demise.   I have turned into a news junkie the past week looking for more details concerning his death.  I am disgusted by the news bureaus.

They are asking questions that to me, and many other Americans are just down right stupid.  Questions about was it legal?  Was it fair and why wasn’t he taken alive.

Sorry,  Bin Laden did not ask these questions on September 11. 2001 when he orchestrated the most horrific attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, 1941.  He took the lives of over 3000 men, women and children on that awful day.  As far as I am concerned dying was too good for him.

It would be nice if he could feel the pain of those 3000 souls and their families.  The lives that he altered on that day, and must live without their loved ones.  Children that must grow up without their mother or father..  Unborn babies, never to know their dad.  Ask those families if they thought they were treated fairly…

Pakistan was negligent. Period.  Caught with their pants down.  How did this man live for 5 years in the shadow of a military academy.  The fact that Pakistan was not informed speaks volumes about their loyalties.  They are not loyal to their “ally” the USA.

I do not need to see a photograph of Bin Laden.  I could care less.  I believe my government on this one.  The SEALS left live civilians in the compound and they can spin any tale they want.  BUT they cannot dispute that Bin Laden is dead.

Did the USA have the right to go into Pakistan and execute this raid?  YES!!  Pakistan is proven untrustworthy… and It is our governments duty to protect its citizens.  I hope all the other bad guys, that want to do us harm, will think twice  before attacking us again.  You can run and you can hide,  but we will find you and dispense with what ever justice happens on that day.

Bin Laden so warped the religion of Islam that its sad.  The people that I know that practice Islam are peaceful and honest citizens.  They did not like or support Bin Laden in any way and described him as evil.

Were Bin Laden’s civil liberties violated…  I think not.   I am glad that there will be no trial.  We as a nation do not need that.  Imagine the expense of such a side show.  The expense of protecting him and making sure he had TV, work out room,  food per Muslim customs. He would have to be kept in solitary to protect him in prison from other prisoners.   These are only the obvious “rights” that  come to mind quickly.  The expense of such a circus will be better spent on improving the American way of life.  How about reducing the deficient with some of those saved dollars.  And perhaps put some more money into education and health care.  I believe that,  we as a nation will be better off without a Bin Laden trial.

I feel that the Americans treated his body with respect per Muslim traditions.  Much more so than his brethren have treated our fallen heroes.  Our military men have been desecrated, dragged through the streets of African and Middle Eastern cities.  Our service men and women have been captured, tortured and executed.  They have also done the same to western journalists.  Who where there to report all points of view!

Would we have asked the same questions about civil liberties had the allies been able to get their hands on Hitler?  I do not believe so.  So what has happened in the past 70 years  to make us worry about the rights of such an evil man?

Leave you opinion…  I have been unable to wrap my head around the idea that Bin Laden deserved mercy of any kind.