Gone Missing :0 LOL!

February 25, 2010

I have not updated my blog the last few days.  I have however been busy.  I have a mission that I am finishing this week.  I am almost finished.  whew

I suffer from indecision. Sometimes I am just not able to make a decision.   I  feel like its overcoming fear.  In some ways I am fearless.  Put me on a pair of skis, and I am fearless.  Forging ahead in unfamiliar territory is like hiking in the woods with out a topographic map and compass.

I have been laboring on the decision of hiring a professional designer to design a wedding album or to design the album myself.  I guess timing is going to be the deciding factor.

I also want to finish a knitting project to a certain spot by tomorrow.  I am heading up to Old Forge to knit and ski.  Its 8 $ day at McCaully mountain and that price is just too good to pass up.  My former photography teacher has a gallery opening.  I really need to attend.  Friday is booked.

Have an awesome day!!  I am working on my decision.  I am also enjoying the snowstorm that is progressing nicely!!

7th day for rest……

February 21, 2010

NOT…  Today is the seventh day in a seven day shift.  By Sunday, am ready for anything except work.  Many ask me if I like this schedule.  The answer is YES.   (for now)  I like that I only work 1/2 of the year.  But I REALLY work that 26 weeks.  10 hour days, 7 days in a row.   I walk a minimum of 5 miles per day and over 10,000 steps.  On Sunday I am a little pooped!

Now I am looking at next weeks calendar.  The bonus of working a wacky shift is the 7 days of play in front of me.  The priority this week is photography.  Skiing on the weekend and a day with The Leatherstocking Ballet.  I LOVE watching ballet.  Dancers are so athletic!! They are as disciplined as any Olympic athlete!!  My daughter was a founding dancer of the company.   I do the photography and will be photographing this years performance,  Alice in Wonderland.  Its a gas!!  Funny that is!  I will prepare by seeing Tim Burton’s Alice before the Leatherstocking  performance!!  Time for work  Cya!

Have an awesome day!!  Blessings and happiness to all!!

Yesterday I became stumped.  I have been knitting a sweater and I came upon directions that I did not understand.  ssk  I keep forgetting that each pattern has abbreviation descriptions and instructions.  Even so  sometimes its nice to have someone  hold your hand {so to speak}.  Danielle, my friend from Old Forge Hardware is just that person!!  She is my knitting fairy godmother!  Her easy over the phone descriptions make all the difference between failure and success.  Whats funny is that a year ago if you told me that I would be knitting I would have asked you to share whatever  you were drinking!!!   lol

I guess that is the point here.  Life is always in flux and its important to keep an open mind and stay optimistic about change.   There is so much truth to learning to change  and learning when change can’t be stopped or controlled.

Have an awesome day and let the wind fill your sails for a smooth ride!!  Where ever it takes you!!

DeCluttering the mind? lol

February 19, 2010

Is writing a blog DeCluttering ones brain?  Being a total SHE sometimes my thoughts race from subject to subject.  Some times the answers just don’t come.  It’s then I use a Scarlett O’Hara thingy…..  ” I can’t think about that today, I’ll  think about that tomorrow.”   Now I really can’t remember if I ever get around to  that set aside thought.  I figure if it really important I’ll remember to get back to it!

I slept in today.  My job is really tiring.  After having early morning activities monday thru Thursday,  I programmed Friday as a morning of rest.  I rested well but now need to get ready to leave the house.

Blessings to all,  Have an awesome Day!!!!  Remember each day to take a breather every now and then let go of thoughts that are unproductive!!

I miss my kids and I also miss many of the older generation that have passed on.  I have been thinking of my dad lately.  Dunno why???   Perhaps these thoughts were triggered by my visit with my brother and his family last weekend.  He reminds me of our dad.  AND my bro is a big kid.  He still skis like a teenager, and skates like he never left the hockey rink!!  He  his wife and children,  gave me and my kids a wonderful weekend and for that I am thankful and feeling wonderfully blessed!!

As I look at next weeks schedule I am planning my time.  I am not working at the hospital next week.  BUT my week is filled with my photography work!!  I am also a professional photographer.  One of the side benefits of flying is trying to work out how I can apply flylady techniques to my business.  The first will be to set up  standard scheduled working hours.  Then I will schedule play time.  My playing is to knit, ski and hit an art gallery next week.

I have decided not to ski before work this week.  I am afraid I will be too tired to actually take care of my patients.  So after thinking and scheming for 48 hours I have come to realize that its just not a good idea ….  for this week any way  😛

Have an awesome day!!  Peace 🙂

Blah, blah, blah lol!

February 17, 2010

So I was thinking about what was on my mind today and realized that if I had to think about it ,most likely there was nothing on my mind.  lol   After taking Margaret to the train station I gave my van a much needed vacuuming and car wash.  A little post road trip blessing.  🙂  Then, a little coffee and the Today Show recap of the Olympics!!

I LOVE the winter Olympics.  As a down hill skier I am a winter sports enthusiast.  I admire and respect all sports but  winter sports holds my special interest.    I went to the 1980 Olympics in Lake Placid.  I got  tickets by accident and feel lucky and blessed to have had the Olympic experience!!

Its time to  “bust a move”  and prepare for work.  Both mentally and physically.  Its Wednesday and not even half way through the week. ( for me)

Its a slow cerebral morning.  Translation …  I am a little fatigued.    Blessings to all!!  Have an awesome day!

Sking !!

February 16, 2010

I have been a skier for more than 40 years.  Yesterday I complimented my self lol  on being a pretty skier.   I do not mean snow bunny.  I mean a refined style.  For personal reasons I have given up double black diamonds and most single black diamonds.  My legs are not strong enough to consistently ski safely.  I can however ski real purtty on the intermediate slopes.  Intermediate slopes at Smugglers Notch are more like diamond slopes her locally.  In any case I avoid moguls.  I have been scheming how to get back to the slopes and clock in to work at 1 PM.  I think the key will be preparation.!!  I mean TOTAL prep.  I think I will let that mull around in my head for 24 and see what falls out.   I think it would totally ROCK to put in a few runs b4 work.

Almost lost the Blackberry :O

All these years of sking I have seen some awesome sights.  I have had some really incredible experiences.  The scenery from a chair lift, or the top of a mountain is breathtaking!!  Its so cool that cell phones work in these areas and that you can share some of natures beauty.  Of course I really like gadgets.  my friends know that about me.  However I really DO like that I no longer need to ski with a big ole 35 mm camera slung around my neck.  Below is a little of the winter beauty I saw.  Enjoy and have an awesome Day!!  Peace.

Choices... Both good!!

Excellent Adventures!!!

February 15, 2010

I’ve been away for a few days!!  My mission was just pure fun.

I visited my son Joe  @ Plattsburgh State.  He is a business major there.  My daughter flew to Burlington VT on Friday.  It is the beginning of her winter break.  Margaret teaches Spanish in NYC.  Joe came to Vermont on Friday with my brother and we had a family weekend excellent adventure!!  The only sad spot is we were missing my other son Al.  He is in Buffalo and recovering from  major knee surgery.  Skiing and ice skating activities are not on his agenda.  😦   I wish I had the forethought to fly him up though.  By the time I caught up with that thought it was too late to purchase an affordable plane ticket.  Sometimes I am just slow on long range planning.

Regrets aside,  The skiing was FANTASTIC!! Scenery was beautiful!!!

On the way to the clouds Madona Peak!

We skied Smugglers Notch.  I exceeded my personal skiing expectations.  As long as I stayed on intermediate trails I rocked.  My nephews thought I was a really good skier.  lol  I have been at it over 40 years!!  I may not be the fastest skiier but I am definately on of the prettier skiers on the slopes.. lol  lol  I learned to ski on the 60’s.  My inspiration was Jean Claude Killy.  I have a french influence on my personal style.  Once we hit black diamonds I fell behind the pack.  I need to ski again a few times to bring myself up to snuff!!.

Madona Peak stayed in the clouds all day!

In the clouds at the top of Madona Peak!

Sunday after mass, my brother took the kids ice skating on Lake Champlain.  I do not feel comfortable on the ice.  I did not have well fitting ice skates so I declined.  The kids had a blast!!

Lake Champlain Ferry crossing!

The Vermont side of Lake Champlain was very windy.  We were the first car on the ferry and had a terrific view of the crossing.!!  By the time we got back to New York the lake was smooth and clam.

All in all I had an excellent adventure!!  I want to thank my brother and his family for their wonderful hospitality.  I hope to visit again the April to watch my nephews play Lacross!!

Not much fluttering today.  I am preparing chicken soup.  My daughter is not feeling well so its moms chicken soup to the rescue!!  Besides I LOVE chicken soup.

To all……Have an awesome day!!.  Leave a comment about your family’s excellent weekend adventures!!  I would love to hear them!!


February 11, 2010

Hey I went to see Avatar again yesterday.  It was just as good the second time around.  I am heading to Vermont for the weekend!!  I will visit one son, a brother and his family and see my daughter.    So packing for a short visit is the rest of my agenda today!!..  No flylady musings, I AM fluttering though!!  lol.  The plan is to ski.  I am excited,  my brother and his family ski so it will be a skiers weekend.  Short but white!  lol  Blessings to all.  Have an awesome Day!!

AHHH …… Its Monday!!

February 8, 2010

My usual Monday  morning routine after a 7 day work week is to take Monday AM off.    Coffee, a little Pandora radio, read email and catch up with friends is all I do.  Today because I am fluttering I had already rebooted the laundry, made my bed and ironed clothing!!  Yay scrubs ready for next week!!   NO I do not iron my scrubs.  {but I entertained the idea, my bad LOL}

I finished Joe’s mittens.  Hooray!!  Onto my first baby sweater.

I finally succumbed last month and read all the vampire novels that the kids are raving about.  They were OK,  not Harry Potter but a good read.  So of course I put the  movie Twilight  in my netflix cue!!  It was a nice film.  Not Harry Potter, but a nice film.

Well my point is really about my SHE tendancy not to return rented films.  I canceled my blockbuster membership because I forgot to return films.  They would get misplaced and I found myself owning films that I just wanted to watch, not own.  Netflix is perfect for a SHE.  There are several levels of membership.  I am not a TV person so the lowest level of membership is perfect for me!!  2 movies a month.  The best part of the entire deal, is that my home mailbox is the delivery and return system.  The little red envelope is easy to spot in a pile of mail.  I only get one movie at a time so I do not misplace it.

Today is  I have programed hot spot and de-clutter moments!!  I have a couple of errands and then it home to continue to flutter!

Everyone HAVE and awesome day and count your personal blessings!!