Annoying stuff

March 23, 2011

Just a short post today.  I am heading off to work.  I am kinda annoyed as I was looking forward to 7 glorious days off.  Not happening.  I don’t mind the overtime.  Bella is annoyed  because it means extended crate time.

Inky just sleeps.  She is a sleepy cat that just eats and wants to sleep on my white parlor sofa.  The cushions are tipped.  lol

Kate and I are meeting for lunch on Friday!  YAY  !!  We will knit and look at free  knitting patterns on the internet!!    So off to the races today and tomorrow.  I will be looking forward to the weekend

Blessings and cheers to all!!

A  few weeks ago I arranged to take to day off.  Its St. Patrick’s Day.  I am Irish but never used the day as a reason to get uproariously trashed.  I was invited to a dinner gathering  with friends.  A girl needs a little fun now and then.  It has been a stressful week.  My son has been ill.  Apparently with a lingering food poisoning.  The bug  is not nice and is not leaving his system  quickly.  It makes a mom  worry.  : (

So I wonder sometimes how I will fall asleep at night.  Does a mothers worry ever just go away?  Or does the worry enter a phase where its just a low hum in the background?  So…. Its St. Patrick’s Day and 2 of my 3 children are not at home.  I wonder what they are doing, not just today but every day.    I remember when they were young.  I miss those days as hectic as they were.

So the  “Top of the morning to you all”  !!  And the rest of the day to yourself !!  Of course


March 15, 2011

I am in the process of learning to knit socks.  I have always coveted hand knit objects.  A little over 18 months ago I sat on a dock enjoying a nice Adirondack afternoon and all the gals around me had a knitting project.  I felt left out.

I had tried to knit as a kid, as a teen, as a college student.  All unsuccessful.  😦  It did not dampen my desire.  I had mastered other needle crafts, embroidery, English smocking, sewing but knitting and crocheting had eluded me.  Dunno why I have mastered knitting now.

I am a slow knitter.  I do not have the speed or graceful technique that many women in my knitting circles display.  I just use the ole throw the yarn over the needle technique.  Sometimes I can even get a rhythm going!

Socks to me are the holy grail of knitting… 

Above is my first attempt.  I must admit I cast on these suckers 3 times.  Yes 3 times.  I measured…  Cast on…  knit a bit….  did not like….  Rip..  Measured, Cast on..  Knit,  you know the rest.   I thought I had, mastered hand knit socks.  However, I have made several mistakes here.  I am using a fingering yarn.  Its really fine,  I should have used a sport weight yarn and larger needles.  These are size 0. I have not had the courage to try these on.  Perhaps today is the day.  If not my daughter Margaret will be the recipient!  I have her foot measurement.

I have cast on another pair.  Larger needles and sport weight yarn.  I am still knitting with “average yarn” .  That is yarn that does not contain the really nice soft stuff.  Like alpaca, angora, cashmere, silk.  Simple merino super wash with a bit of nylon for strength.  I feel myself sliding into the dark side.  Wearing only hand knit socks. I have a feeling that, that is all I will be knitting this summer on that Adirondack dock.  Getting ready for the fall and winter.  I can’t believe that winter is not even over and I am planning foot wear for next winter.  The dark side is a dangerous slide and  apparently, there are no brakes.

I received my first pair of hand knit slippers this week.  I am having a hard time taking them off my feet.  I had forgotten how warm wool is.  Its natural, cozy, fuzzy and it hugs your foot giving a wonderful caressing sensation.   Oooo  ahhhhh!  I cannot wait to get my fist pair of socks on my feet!!


Having Fun

March 12, 2011

18 months ago I did not knit.  I watched movies, edited images and just generally was boring.  I was longing for a dog.  I had recently adopted a cat but she was not cozy and cuddly.  Company?….. a bit.  She came around to beg for sushi but otherwise she just kept and still keeps her distance.  I have told Miss Inky that the reason we have a dog is her fault.  Had she been cozy I may not have been eager to add to our animal menagerie.

Miss Inky

Miss Inky

Miss Isabella Wiggles is my joy.  She makes me get up at 2 am because she needs to go outside.  She licks my face and kisses me ALL the time.  She LOVES her boys and they love her.  Her biggest downfall is that she is unkind to Inky.

I have been told Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers are the clowns of the Terrier breeds…  lol  Thanks Mom.  Mom knew how lonely I was after the kids left home.

Miss Isabella Wiggles!

I also began knitting.  I started with scarves and mittens.  yay!!  Moved onto hats, a baby sweater,fingerless gloves, spa items, felted slippers, and finally SOCKS!!    To me the holy grail of knitting is socks.


I am ready to forge ahead and finish these babies off.  I was and still am not sure that they will fit.  I have my daughters foot measurement just in case.  At first I was sure that they would not fit,… now I am not so sure…  Marg…  you may not be getting these!  lol

More to come..  Must go to work.   I am just beginning a 9 day work shift……….  so I won’t be back on a reliable basis….  But my knitting is portable and I will be taking it along.!!!