Puppy Love

May 3, 2010

If you have been following me on facebook you know I have adopted a puppy.  Puppy Love is the best whay to describe my feelings.  I am a dog lover.   For years I have been envious of anyone with a dog.   I always felt the time was just not right.  One morning I woke up and realized that there was never going to be a just right time.  I am introducing Bella she is a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier.  Not only is she adorable but I guess I am as happy as  a pig in slop…… lol.

Bella  and I have puppy adventures.  I am learning to listen to the nuances in her behavior.  I have learned how to realize that certain whines mean I need to go potty…  lol

We go to puppy school on Sunday mornings..  That is mostly human training on how to speak DOG….  that elusive language for obediance.

A well behaved dog is usually welcome everywhere..  where a poorly behaved dog is not welcome anywhere….  I want Bella welcome everywhere.

Bella at 3 months old!!

Bella at 3 months old!!

The nicest aspect of owning a dog is that she is always happy to see me!!    According to research when a person pets a dog the brain releases oxytocin into your blood stream.  This chemical is related to serotonin.  All really important chemicals for brain function.  lol  I guess now that I am a dog owner my brain will function better????

Basically I am proud and excited to welcome Bella into my home….  Inky the cat does have other feelings…  we can explore Inky’s  feelings another day!

Have an awesome Day!!

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