
March 2, 2016


This one!…  yeah the one above ^^^^ !  We lived through the puppy years.  She spent the time she was alone in the house in a crate.  As she grew, so did the size of her crate.  Her crate is by the door, with the door to the crate open.  She frequently crawls in and takes a nap.  She was never crated for being naughty.  Just crated while alone in the house.  It kept my house safe and more importantly kept her safe from getting into things that dogs have no business getting into.  As the years went by she earned trust.  She stopped chewing shoes, garbage, the sofa, you get the drift.

So when I left for 24 hours I did not think twice about the plastic Wally world bag sitting on a 3 foot high table.  I was gone around 32 hours.  She was left in the care of my son who does a great job of helping with her care.  He comes home on his lunch break, puts her out and feeds her at dinner time.  My job does not allow that type of freedom.  I get one 30 min break at 18:30.  Fortunately I work close enough to home that if he cannot help, I can pop home at that time to let her out and give her her dinner.  Needless to say she is well cared for, and left uncrated, but that may change.

When I arrived home from helping my daughter move a bed to her Brooklyn apartment I found Miss Wiggles had been vomiting.  Easily identifiable stuff such as bar code labels and shoe laces.  AND she was dry heaving, wanting to eat grass…  Holy moly!  Did I say tons of grass.  Off to the vet we go…  She received a bolus of fluid and a shot of anti nausea meds and we went on our way..  24 hours later and a bit of white rice things seemed to be OK.  She was uncomfortable but the bowels kept moving so I figured what ever she got into was moving on out.

Her appetite was meh, but I figured she would eventually be fine.  When I got home from work last Sunday afternoon my son showed me that she was pooping gray plastic bags.  Hmmmm  that bag, on the 3 foot high table, that was gone when I got home from NYC;  yeah THAT bag! The one that  I thought that was cleaned up by a cleaning fairy was actually ingested by my beloved fur baby.  She could not eat, nor drink.  She was heaving if she tried.  So I lifted the food and took the water away after midnight and headed to the vet early Monday morning.

X-rays revealed a mass in the belly.  Endoscopy was recommended and an emergency vet clinic was located by my local veterinarian. Arrangements were made, a CD of X-ray imaging was made, and we were off to Albany, NY.  An ultrasound confirmed that the belly had a mass of something.  Ok, now my mind is racing.  Did she behave out of character and eat the bag because she had something growing in her stomach?  And it finally got too large and uncomfortable?  So she ate stuff to make her sick?  Or was she just pissed off when I left the house and bored enough to eat the bag and get into mischief ? Boy oh boy I wish she could talk!

The tap dance to cover my shift began.  Yes, it takes an act of congress to get a day off.  I cannot blame my employer.  I work 7 days on and 7 days off.  I LOVE this schedule.  BUT when you need a day off and it is your week “on”, that is a problem.  Now we all know life has its twists and turns. Life cannot be relied on to have its emergencies during your “off” week.  Basically you hound another person to cover your shift.  I called several, but 2 refused bad juju for them. 2 sick with the flu, good healing  juju sent their way.  One sweet soul covered me till 8 PM.  She worked from 03:30 to 8 PM..  Hugs and double good juju for her!  And the night gal came in an hour early.  Another good juju wish.  Then I informed my supervisor how I covered the hours and told her how I would make up the time for the others.  The sweet gal that worked an extra long shift could not come into work until 07:00 the next day so I ended up working a split shift.  03:30 to 07:00  go home and nap, then 13:00 to 23:00.  Yup, bam!  Done!!


So while I waited and and waited, I knit.  Yea, I made pretty good progress.  I was at the clinic from 13:13 to 19:30.  That is a LOT of hours to be nervous and knit.  This is the second time I am knitting this pattern.  I used it on my last pair as well.  Its a free pattern on Ravelry and looks better on a semi-solid or solid colored sock.  I got looks from other pet moms and dads.  It is quite a busy place. I guess I do not look old enough to knit.   I just camped out near the Keurig, listened to HGTV and knit away.   That is a long stretch of knitting and though my mind was racing, at least my hands were not idle.

Finally, the word came back.  Grass..  yeah her stomach was impacted with grass and twigs.   The plastic bag is/was moving out the other end.  Would the grass  have eventually moved out?  Maybe.  Dunno.  Would the twigs have moved into the bowl and caused an obstruction?  I don’t know that either.  Any way my wallet is much lighter, Miss Wiggles is home and eating a gourmet diet of canned salmon and white rice.  The house where she is free to roam has been inspected and swept of anything that may tease a dog that is left alone while mom is at work.  AND my  co-habitants at home here, have been warned that I will be a bat$hit crazy bitch if ANYTHING is left out for her to get into.

I lived through my split shift, though today I am sporting a headache that comes from not enough sleep and too much drama.  I will prepare for work shortly and have a long stand in a hot shower.  Its time to reboot.  AND before I go to work Miss Wiggles will have a quick walk around the block.  We need to keep the backside moving, I was warned that she will be pooping grass for several more days…  😦


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