
March 13, 2016

One of my favorite films is Medicine Man. Starring Sir Sean Connery.  Juju was the stuff the medicine man of the tribe carried in his little bag.  Herbs, dried insects, whatever. But to me, it is the belief that a juju bag holds the power of good feelings.


Swoon!  This image is from google images.

I throw out terms like juju, mojo and karma now and then.  I believe they exist.  I am superstitious.  I believe in the golden rule “do unto others as you would have others do unto you”.  I have heard those words all of my life from my grandmother and mother.  So to me, juju, mojo, and karma are real.  Just different interpretations of the same lesson.  Live your best life and do not wish others harm.  Another great movie that goes on a list of must-see films is Pay it Forward.  Starring Kevin Spacey.


If you have not watched that film, pick up your knitting bag and turn on Netflix.

So does your knitting bag hold juju?  Mine does.  I believe that the juju from my knitting bag holds the power to me to be successful.  Every time I cast off I have a finished object.  It gives me a sense of peace.  I cannot explain it, it just does.

It is not only a feeling of peace, success and satisfaction  but, it also feeds the juju bag.  Now that my knitting bag is nearing empty, it needs another project to keep it full of juju (good feelings).

So today is a tidy-up kind of day.  Puttering, a bit of House of Cards.


As you can see both heels are turned and I am in the gusset, gusset stage of this pair.

There is some overtime in my future.  People ask why.  Well, It’s just good juju.  The power to be a team player and do good.  It does not hurt to be compensated for the infringement of personal time and lack of sleep this causes.  But sometimes the good of the many outweigh the good of the few or the one. (Star Trek reference)

Somehow I always have a notion of what my next project will be.  Since I am in a sock knitting phase, I have an idea of which skein of sock yarn I will wind off next.   I have a wonderful short skein of gray that was gifted to me by the Two Ewes.  It would make a wonderful pair of fingerless mitts.  But the color goes so nicely with so many of my leftovers that I see low-rise striped socks in my future.


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