Dog Snot

March 27, 2016

Yup! That mess on the window is dog snot. The two below are responsible.

They look so sweet eh?  The little beggar on the left is responsible for the upper design. The medium sized beggar on the right completes the lower half of the design. Together they are trouble. We won’t mention the vertical blinds that need replacing. Nope!

Yeah, I am a sucker for a cute face. My heart melts with these two.  Mischievous or not. They have my heart.

Today is Easter Sunday.  In my house, the young adults sleep.  The days of egg hunts are gone.  I used to have a MASSIVE and I do mean massive egg hunt.  I would hide about 100 plastic eggs.  My sister would come by to watch the action.  It was a riot to watch 3 kids scurrying about looking for eggs.  Some eggs held candy and some held money.  There was 10$ in quarters on the line.  They got to keep what they found.  Usually, by November, the last egg showed up.  That rogue egg that was totally elusive would finally make a showing.

Today is my first holiday off.  I worked Thanksgiving, Christmas, Martin Luther Day, Presidents week.  I am ready for a family-get-together.  So I will attend mass, hit the grocery for some last minute items and go home and cook.  The house is clean and the only thing to manage is the behavior of the two above.  My future daughter-in-law to has to work so dinner is later than usual.

The two dogs are the only thing resembling children, so other than managing their mischief it will be an adult get together. If there is time, I will work on my knitting after dinner.  I have finished the gusset on one sock and am slowly working on the second gusset.  I have not knit in a few days.  Holiday preparation has taken its toll, but a day with my kids and my sister’s family is priceless!  Have a blessed day!

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